Title: Assistant
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (三井住友銀行) (incorporated in Japan with limited liability) is one of the major international banks and a leading arranger of specialized financial products worldwide. The Bank's Hong Kong Branch is now seeking high calibre individuals with long-term career objectives to apply for the following position:
Assistant -
Loan Capital Markets Dept, Asia Pacific - Agency
Job Duties & Responsibilities:
- Working with the account officers to perform loan agent’s duties in syndicated loan deal, which may include:
- Prepare notices for loan drawdown, rollover, repayment and interest rate fixing to borrower and lenders
- Security document handling and registration
- Prepare and monitor incoming or payment of funds to borrower/lenders
- Handle audit confirmation, CDD checking and loan transfer
- Provide administration support to agency team
- Degree holder in Business Management, Banking, Finance, or related discipline
- Fresh Graduate will be considered
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
- Proficient in using PC and MS Office
Please apply with detailed resume stating latest and expected salary.
SMBC is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to fostering a diversified and inclusive workplace and removing barriers to provide equal access to employment.
Application details will be used only for recruitment purposes, and will be destroyed after 1 year. Applicants not contacted after 6 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful.