Title: Vice President
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (三井住友銀行) (incorporated in Japan with limited liability) is one of the major international banks and a leading arranger of specialized financial products worldwide. The Bank's Hong Kong Branch is now seeking high calibre individuals with long-term career objectives to apply for the following position:
Vice President -
Operations Department - Treasury Operations
Job Duties & Responsibilities:
- Lead and supervise a team to provide treasury operations, including money market, FX, Securities, Bonds, FRCD issuance, etc. and ensure all transactions are executed
- Monitor settlement risk and handle irregular transactions according to the Bank’s policies and guidelines
- Prepare and compile various reports for management, Head Office and regulatory bodies
- Review and update policies & procedure manual to ensure the Bank’s working procedures are in compliance with the regulator
- Liaise with other branches and departments as well as internal and external stakeholders in settling various transactions
- Handle ad hoc duties and projects as assigned
- Degree holder with at least 10 years in treasury operations and 5 years’ experience in staff supervision and management
- Sound knowledge in treasury products, market practice, securities clearing system on treasury market product settlement
- Essential experience in project management including the launch of ISO20022 SWIFT MX message
- Familiar with banking operations, global settlement practices and OTC Derivatives Transaction Report (HKTR Report)
- A team player with leadership, coaching, management and interpersonal skills
- Good command of both English and Chinese
- Good PC skills in MS Office. VBA, MS Excel Macro, Alteryx would be an advantage
Please apply with detailed resume stating latest and expected salary.
SMBC is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to fostering a diversified and inclusive workplace and removing barriers to provide equal access to employment.
Application details will be used only for recruitment purposes, and will be destroyed after 1 year. Applicants not contacted after 6 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful.